Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Some old (Cover + Master) Demos I boxed up back in 2008
$2 each or $1 each for 20+ (add $5 for postage outside US)
7 x ANCESTORS BLOOD (Fin) "Preparing for War" 2004 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x ARMED DEATH (Gre) "Ancient Soul" 2008 death thrash
4 x BLACK ANGEL (Per) "Rites Re-edition 97" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x BURIAL SHADES (Rus) "To the Fleshes of My Livid Everything" 1999 doom w/keys (Pro-cover)
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Askum" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Buztum" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Cobrum" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Dolorum" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Eferum" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
5 x BUZTUM (Bra) "Ferium" (Ltd 66) 2006 ambient BM
14 x CHAOSBAPHOMET (Gre) "Temple of the Serpent Baphomet" 2004 BM (Pro-cover)
3 x CHARNEL VALLEY (US) "The Igneous Race" 2007 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x CULTUS (Net) "A Seat in Valhalla" 2004 BM
4 x DARK DOMINATION (Lat) "Blasphemy" 2003 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x DRAUGURZ (Bra) "A Yell from the Past" 2005 BM
8 x EMIT (UK) "The Dark Gods" 2004 ambient BM (Pro-cover)
4 x GAUNTLETS SWORD (Gre) "The Command" 2002 BM (Pro-cover)
5 x GEHEIMNIS (Bra) "Das Negras Montanhas" 2005 BM
1 x GONFANON (Fra) "Dux Bellorum" 2003 ambient BM (Pro-cover)
5 x HUGINN (Ita) "In the Land of the Old Hills" 2000 BM (Pro-cover)
3 x HYPERBOREAN (Bra) "Le Grand Maitre" 2000 BM
3 x HYPERBOREAN (Bra) "Promo 2003" BM
1 x INSIDIOUS OMEN (Can) "Upon the Throne of Waste & Decay" 2000 BM (Pro-cover)
1 x ISTORN (Nor) "Gjennom Morke Skogen" 2004 BM
4 x KANIBA (Fin) "Transcendant" 2006 ambient BM (Pro-cover)
2 x LADO OBSCURO (Bra) "O Inferno por" 2003 BM
2 x LEBENSESSENZ (Bra) "Einsamkeit, Hass und Dunkelheit" 2003 ambient BM (Pro-cover)
1 x LEBENSESSENZ (Bra) "Terra Nullis" 2004 ambient BM
3 x LUGUBRE ECLIPSE (Bra) "O Adociado e Enjoativo" 2003 black noise (Pro-cover)
1 x MESLAMTAEA (Net) "New Era" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x MYRK (Ice) "Promo 2002" BM (Pro-cover)
5 x MYSTERION NOCTUM (Ukr) "Omen" 2003 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x NAMELEZZ PROJEKT (Bra) "Scenecide" 2005 BM
4 x NAMELEZZ PROJEKT (Bra) "Beyond the Nothing" 2005 BM
4 x NAMELEZZ PROJEKT (Bra) "Ode to the 80's B.M." 2005 BM
4 x NECROMANCY (Bol) "Satan Crush Useless God" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x NUR (Chi) "Part 1" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x OKKULTUM MAGNIFICENTIA (Ita) "Aeon" 2001 BM (Pro-cover)
6 x OSKAL (Rus) "Stahlkrieg" 2006 BM (Pro-cover)
1 x PAGAN HELLFIRE (Can) "Hymns for the Gallows" 2003 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x SACRAMENT (Ukr) "The Dynasty of Diabolism" 2002 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x SERAPHEL (Ita) "Remembrance" 2004 BM (Pro-cover)
3 x SIGVEGR (Ita) "Against the Modern World" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x TANGORODREAM (Ukr) "In the Name of Ancient Faith" 2003 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x TAUNUSHEIM (Ger) "Im a Viking from Norway" 2001 BM (Pro-cover)
4 x TAUNUSHEIM (Ger) "Lejrild" 2001 BM (Pro-cover)
1 x TEMPEST (Mex) "Return of the Prophet of Doom" 2007 black doom (Pro-cover)
9 x THUNDERSTORM (Rus) "Hatred Burning Northern Sky" 2005 BM (Pro-cover)
3 x TO ARKHAM (Par) "Born to Hate" 2004 BM (Pro-cover)
2 x TOTENLIEDER "NS Comp" 2003 BM
4 x VALHALLA (Aut) "Power & Might" 2002 BM (Pro-cover)
3 x VALIUM (Bra) "Audial Sedative" 2004 black noise
5 x WOODSMARCH (Bra) "Promo 2004" BM

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


ENTETY (US) "Exumed Sarcophagus" Digi-CD
Brutal Guttural Death Metal
$5 US / $8 World


Friday, November 22, 2013


DESASTRIOUS has never ripped anyone off, bootlegged any release, & has always stayed as true to BLACK FUCKIN METAL as I could. There are a few items from the past I never released. Those releases will be unleashed in the distant future.

Currently working on the final onslaught from the mighty GNOSTIC.

Lord Magus Obliterator

(R.I.P. 1969 - 2012)